Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Where are the stars?

I came to LA with big expectations - looking for divas in the supermarket parking lots and superstars hanging out in Venice Beach. So far, no star spottings for me, just for everyone around me. That's right, all those years ago where Erin said I looked like the actress in Elizabeth and Anjali pulled out the Enquirer shot, they knew something: I look like Cate Blanchett. You know, the queen of the elves in Lord of the Rings. Turns out a few people think that. Like the guy in the store where I got my cell phone last week (do you think I'd have these credit problems if I was a movie star? I asked him), and now a guy in the supermarket, who came up to me with a tabloid in hand and asked if this picture was of me. I of course said yes, and asked to go ahead of him in line, as I was late for filming. Kidding. He did ask, but I just looked at him and he walked away. Watch for the headline - "Cate lashes out at the common people".

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Well come on! Now you have to show us a side by side comparison of you and Cate!