Tuesday, June 19, 2007

"The" bachelorette/bachelor party

Saturday, June 18 was Kinga's bachelorette party (BP for short), and Marcus had a "surprise" bachelor party that someone told him about the night before. We all met at Kinga's place, which is just around the corner from my apartment complex, with a suggested start time of 5pm. Now, everyone who was at the BP was like, "What in LA starts at 5pm?", and "if you want to be anywhere in LA by 5 in the afternoon, you need to leave the day before", so most people showed up between 6:30 and 7:30. I met Kelly, who is an assistant vice-principal at an elementary school, and super funny. She was telling me all about my next career, as a movie extra (apparently it involves a lot of standing around and waiting). She also let me know where I can go to buy fake social security cards so I can work, although she is sure that I could work under the table as an extra. I also met Sencee (don't know how to spell it), who has just moved to the US from Mexico, Mercedes, Ras, Bernadette, and Kinga's mom Bojzana. Agnes organized, so there was a good sized group of us. I was the only uni lingual in the group, as half spoke spanish as a fist language, and the other half hungarian. We left Kinga'a place to go to a favourite Mexican restaurant, Lula's, where this pic was taken [need to add], then off to Penthouse, a nightclub in West LA. We ended the night singing Karaoke at a little japanese place in a strip mall, which is open until 4 am, where they had to replace the books and the controller with English versions (although Kelly does speak Japanese). [add pics]
All in all, a very fun night.

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