Monday, June 4, 2007

Who the ?!@# is Natasha?

Many of you will have read the previous blog postings about the difficulties we faced getting cell phones is America, so you will appreciate that I have spent a lot of time just getting to the point where I even have a cell phone number. Our land line is through Vonage, and the internet connection in the apartment is not that stable, so at times I do not have any phone other than my cell. This means that I worked hard to get a number, and that I rely on it a lot. So you can ONLY IMAGINE how I feel that someone named Natasha is so STUPID that she is giving out my number and telling people it is hers. It is the only explanation I have for the number of phone calls I get per week asking for her, the text messages from people thanking me for dinner, and the voicemail messages. it can't just be a wrong number, because everyone is asking for the same person. Now, most of the calls are from guys. Different guys, all rather insistent on talking to Natasha. This makes me think she must be hot. Unfortunately, she can't memorize the number for the autoclub or a local restaurant. No, instead she has memorized my number and is giving it out randomly. I could take advantage of it if I was single, using it as a dating service (although I suspect that the cute guys get her real number, not the fake one that really isn't fake). Being happily married, I am not inclined to strike up a conversation with these men, most of whom have fairly thick European accents and who don't understand the phrase "You have the wrong number". So Natasha, who ever you are, STOP GIVING OUT MY CELL PHONE NUMBER!!!!!

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