Sunday, July 1, 2007

New Hobby, New Toys

Leaving Calgary meant leaving a very well outfitted woodworking shop. More accurately, it meant selling it. Woodworking was meant to be a hobby to get me away from my computer, which I spend far too much time working at to also spend far too much time playing at. Well, without woodworking, what will be the next hobby?

Rayla has been a photographer for a long time (many years B.D., or Before Darren). Since I've always enjoyed using the good camera that she has, I decided to pursue photography as a hobby. It will get me outside, and away from my computer, which is important. It lends itself well to a 'leisure' activity while still providing some mental stimulation which should keep me engaged. Since Rayla is involved, any hardware we buy will be used by her, just in case I don't find myself all that taken with the activity.

So, Saturday was camera shopping day. We found a very well stocked local shop that had the cameras we wanted to compare. Inside, we found an interesting salesman who, besides looking oddly like Crispin Glover in Back To The Future, was also willing to help us. By the time we left, we found ourselves with a slightly lighter wallet and a couple of bags of new toys.

This afternoon we had our first trip out to take some shots. The convenience of digital photography cannot be overstated. It's great to be able to play with different settings and see how it turns out instantly. Here's a couple of shots of the local neighborhood.

This is the street we live on. It's more of a lane, actually. The amount of traffic you see from here is quite usual. Not to far behind me the street dead-ends, so there isn't really any place to go on here, unless you are going home. The shot does give a good sense of the trees and bamboo that are growing around our apartment complex.

There is a crow's nest in the apartment complex that towers over above everything around us (you can see it on the main page of the apartment's website). This is a good shot to the West looking out over the houses along the beach to the typical late day marine haze over the ocean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.